Cutting Down on Plastic when Out 'n' About

⁣Plastic Free July, a worldwide initiative is in its 10th year. It is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans and beautiful communities.

Have I thrown a load of washing in to the tumble dryer as I'm going to bed when I just didn't have the energy to hang it on the clothes horse..YES.

Have I picked up the apples wrapped in plastic because I'm shopping with three tired kids and need to get out of the shop FAST..YES.

Have I thrown something that could be recycled in the black bin because it would take me a half an hour to clean the food off of it..YES⠀

I won't go on but you get the idea! ⠀

I will be sharing some tips over the next month but I certainly don't want anybody to think that I have this eco lifestyle thing down!! I don't. I do my best and that is all any of us can do. For years, I mindlessly bought things without thinking about how far they had travelled, about who had made them or what environmental impact they had. ⠀

Slowly but surely, I am learning more and am becoming more conscious of what I buy and do and as the great Maya Angelou said we can only do our best until we know better and as I am learning, I am trying to do better. ⠀

It isn't always practical but doing it most of the time is good enough. There are people who know more than I do and are further along on this journey and some who are at the beginning but there is certainly no perfection in any of this. I heard Tara and Madeleine from Change by Degrees once say that 'Perfect is a bully'. So true! There is no judgement. We are all in this together.⠀

Some Plastic Free Tips for Out 'n' About⠀

  • Bring a reusable bottle with you. I remember the first time I brought mine to the cinema instead of getting the usual fizzy drink there. It felt a bit strange but now it's like making sure I have my phone or keys with me before I leave the house.⠀
  • Have a reusable coffee cup when going to a cafe or an event where disposables will be served. Science has shown they are safe to use in the current climate so hopefully they will be widely accepted again soon.⠀
  • Have a set of cutlery wrapped in a napkin in the car/bag for eating on the go. Get a nice spork or fancy bamboo set if you like but use what you have if you like too. It doesn't have to cost lots of money. The most sustainable items are the ones you already own so use them!⠀
  • Have a set of reusable bags with you when shopping for loose fruit and veg, pastries, etc. I know things are a little different at the moment but I once used an old Quality Street box to put some scones in at a supermarket. ⠀
  • Bring a lunchbox/container to the local butchers or fishmongers if you shop there. I started the trend locally last year with our fish delivery guy. I was out to his van with a dish before he could reach for a bag. The fish is usually put in to two plastic bags, taken to your door/home where you then take it out of the bags and put it in a dish straight away anyway.⠀
  • Have a reusable straw with you and refuse disposable ones.⠀
  • If getting food from a takeaway, say when ordering that you don't need the cutlery/sachets of ketchup/vinegar/salt as you will be eating at home. Refuse is the first step in the inverted zero waste pyramid.⠀Ask them to leave out the plastic saver(little table thingy) on your pizza.
  • Refuse the free biros and merchandise at events. Ask yourself if you really need another one to sit with the 20 you already have at home. I know, it's hard to resist a freebie but when you take one, the demand to create a replacement exists. Be Strong!😜⠀

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