Over the past few months, there has been a lot of discussion around period products, both positive and negative. Some slightly alarming studies were released by the University of California, Berkeley. However, upon further investigation, they weren't as concerning as initially anticipated. Regardless of all this, I think it’s fantastic that period care and products are being discussed so openly, and I’d like to share my experience of trying a period disc for the first time!
First, I want to be completely transparent and let you know that this product was gifted to me with no strings attached (no pun intended). I was asked to try it after sharing a study about tampons, as I was looking for an alternative period product.
To give some background, I had tried a menstrual cup before and hated it—it leaked, was uncomfortable, and hard to insert. This was definitely a personal issue, likely due to using the wrong size or inserting it incorrectly. After giving it a go for a few months and not overcoming these issues, I was a bit disheartened and went back to using tampons. For the past two years, I’ve been using organic tampons but was looking for a change.

I’ve now used the period disc for two months and I am converted. In terms of insertion, it’s fairly easy compared to a cup. For me, it doesn’t create a suction like the cup did, so it’s much more comfortable once it’s in. The insertion process is also easier—it’s softer and more malleable going in. There are four different ways you can ‘wear’ it, all detailed on the box. The instructions are easy to follow, and after two or three tries, I found the method that suited me and felt the most comfortable. The disc has a tab used for removal, which can be cut for comfort. I haven’t done this yet, as I like the extra length while getting used to the disc, but I’ll likely cut it in the future.
The removal process is also straightforward. I had one accident on the second day of trying it, as I got a bit too confident and removed it too quickly! I had no leaks and no need for adjusting. From the first try, I wouldn’t even have known it was there. I slept in it, went out on a night out, exercised, and left it in overnight—no issues at all. It’s recommended to remove and empty the disc every 12 hours. For removal, a quick rinse is all that’s needed. The recommendation is to clean with cold water and soap, but if you’re not near a tap, you can clean it with toilet paper, and you’re good to go. I loved this, as sometimes when you’re out, you can’t use the sink in a public bathroom!
For deeper cleaning, it’s very straightforward—before and after your period, you need to sterilize it. You have to put it into a whisk so it doesn’t stick to the pan and melt. Three minutes in boiling water and it’s done.
Another thing that surprised me was that the period disc can empty itself sometimes when you’re going to the bathroom. It only happened to me once, and it did shock me (and kind of freaked me out!), but it’s very handy at the same time! The process is officially called ‘auto-dumping’ and there’s a great video explainer here.
The most unexpected result from using the disc is that my period is shorter. Mine was previously 5-7 days and for the last two months using the disc, it has been 2-3 days. I can’t say if this is directly related to the disc but no other factor has changed. I wonder if it’s because tampons absorb rather than allowing everything to flow out, while the disc allows for a better flow. Honestly, I don’t know, but I’m loving it!
It’s been a big adjustment using something so different after years of using tampons, and I have a few months ahead of trial and error with the disc, but overall, I’m fully converted. I would genuinely recommend it—there’s no waste, it’s much more comfortable, and it’s so convenient to use and forget about for 12 hours, knowing I won’t have leaks or need to find somewhere to change tampons.
My period disc was gifted to me by Ode to Earth. The brand of period disc is Hello Period, set up by two wonderful women who wanted more choice and better, safer, and more environmentally-friendly options for their daughters. Their products are meant to last a lifetime. The HelloDisc has won many awards, was named ‘Best Menstrual Cup’ by Cosmopolitan USA, and they are also a certified B Corp company. Ode to Earth is the only Irish stockist of the period disc.

Bottom line: everyone is different, and this is my own personal review. This worked really well for me, but it may not work for you. All of our bodies are different! However, if you’ve been thinking about trying it, the period disc is a very easy, beginner-friendly reusable option to try. Having tried this and a menstrual cup, and from speaking to friends, I think this would be the better option to try!
Thank you to Shannen, @greengal for this honest review of her experience with the Hello Disc. Follow Shannen on Instagram for lots more sustainability content.
To buy a Hello Disc at Ode to Earth or to read more reviews, check it out here.
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